Available Services
Available Services
A facilitator, teacher, and speaker of the Word of God, who facilitates online and in-person sessions to equip women as well as God's people to be the best version of themselves as God's Chosen Vessels.
Join me for an online chat for a "sneak peek" of praying and journaling a Psalm. Join me on Thursdays at 3:00 pm for this free online event.
Chosen Vessels Pray Conference Calls Host
Host bi-monthly prayer calls on 1st, 4th, and 5th Mondays via Zoom and StartMeeting that gives women an opportunity to pray God's Word and cover their families in prayer.
Talk and Walk in the Park
Do you find it relaxing and also refreshing to walk and talk in the park? I know I do. Set some time to walk and talk with the Lord in the park. When you take a stroll in the Park reflect, pray, and journal to keep your body and spirit in shape.
Sistah Chats
Host bi-monthly Sistah Chats on second and third Mondays on two topics: "How We Are to Act Right When Our Spouse Acts Wrong" as well as "Forgiving What You Can't Forget."
Take the Plunge,
PRAY & Journal
During our "sneak peek chats," we will yield for a Ministry Moment: The Power of the Pause. During this time, we will spend time reflecting on God's Word and discuss a prayer theme from "Chosen Vessels Pray with Purpose and Passion," so you can "Ask the Author About That Prayer Theme."